Otolaryngology Procedures

Peritonsillar Abscesses

Peritonsillar Abscesses are the most common deep neck infection in adolescents and young adults. You will see them in grade schoolers as well. Learn about the diagnosis and management, including making the choice between needle aspiration versus wielding a scalpel for incision and drainage.


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Ungkanont K, Yellon RF, Weissman JL, et al. Head and neck space infections in infants and children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995; 112:375.

Schraff S, McGinn JD, Derkay CS. Peritonsillar abscess in children: a 10-year review of diagnosis and management. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2001; 57:213.

Sumpter, R, Bridwell, R. emDOCs: Emergency Medicine @3AM: Peritonsillar Abscess. March 7, 2020. Accessed December 8, 2022.