Infectious Diseases Podcast

An interview with Todd Florin on bronchiolitis, hypertonic saline and more

I’m delighted to share the latest PEM Currents podcast! I recently sat down with Todd Florin, one of the faculty physicians at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and talked about bronchiolitis, delving into the controversies around the use of hypertonic saline, albuterol and more. Todd also recommended that all of my listeners check out the current AAP Bronchiolitis Guideline, which I’ve linked here. AAP Bronchiolitis Guideline


Infectious Diseases Orthopedics Podcast

Antibiotic Therapy for Osteomyelitis

Recognizing osteomyelitis can be challenging. Treating it doesn’t have to be – especially in the Pediatric ED. This edition of PEM Currents reviews the current evidence surrounding the initial choice of antibiotic, monitoring treatment response and overall therapeutic duration. 


Antiemetics for Migraines

This edition of PEM Currents focuses on the use of antiemetics to treat status migrainosus in the Pediatric ED. Prochlorperazine and Metoclopramide are safe and effective agents with a low incidence of self limited side effects that when given in combination with ketorolac result in over 90% of patient being headache free at 3 hours.

Learn more about these treatments and more at


Retropharyngeal Abscesses

Ted Brenkert sticks his neck out to educate you on retropharyngeal abscesses. RPAs can be an especially worrisome diagnosis in young children who will present with fever, sore throat and limitation of neck movement.

Check out for more educational content


High Flow

This episode of PEMCurrents is narrated by Brad Sobolewski and focuses on the use of high flow in bronchiolitis. Learn about the application of high flow nasal cannulas, the mechanism behind their generation of positive airway pressure, as well as some of the literature behind its beneficial effects.

Check out for more educational content

Orthopedics Podcast

Forearm fractures

Grab your BBFF (or BFF) and FOOSH your way on over to PEM Currents for a discussion surrounding forearm fractures, one of the most common Orthopedic injuries seen in the Pediatric ED.



Summertime is in full swing – so you know what that means. Lacerations, broken bones, other stuff – and a lot of sedations to do. This edition of PEM Currents focuses on Ketamine and its use as the primary agent for procedural sedation in the Pediatric ED.

Podcast Urology

Summer Penile Syndrome

PEM Currents returns with a second episode focusing on a rather “private” matter. Summer penile syndrome is a hypersensitivity reaction  to an insect bite (usually a chigger) that causes pruritis and edema to the skin of the penile shaft. This episode reviews the diagnosis and management of this surprisingly common clinical entity.

Podcast Respiratory

Grudge match! Dexamethasone versus prednisone in acute asthma

Welcome to the first podcast in the PEMCurrents series. Ted Brenkert discusses the use of dexamethasone versus prednisone in acute asthma exacerbations in the ED. You can access the podcast on iTunes, or if you’d like download the file directly. We welcome any and all feedback in the comments section.

Here are links to pdf versions of all the articles discussed on this edition.





