

Factor First!

OK, did I get your attention? Hopefully I did, because giving replacement factor to children with hemophilia presenting to the Emergency Department as soon as possible is the most important thing that you can do to positively impact outcomes. This episode of PEM Currents focuses on the different bleeding complications seen in Hemophilia and Von Willebrands and reviews basic management. There is a companion post on that has more detailed information that you should check out as well.

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I am proud to offer CME for this podcast episode through Cincinnati Children’s. To claim CME & ABP MOC Part 2, visit Cincinnati Children’s Online Courses and search ‘PEM Currents’.


Di Michele D, Neufeld EJ. Hemophilia: a new approach to an old disease. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 1998;12(6):1315- 1344.

Di Michele D. Inhibitor treatment in haemophilias A and B: inhibitor diagnosis. Haemophilia. 2006;12(Suppl 6):37-42.

Labarque V, Stain AM, Blanchette V, et al. Intracranial haem- orrhage in von Willebrand disease: a report on six cases. Heamophilia. 2013;19(4):602-606.

Melchiorre D, Linari S, Innocenti M, et al. Ultrasound detects joint damage and bleeding in haemophilic arthropathy: a proposal of a score. Haemophilia. 2011;17(1):112-117.

Nagel K, Pai MK, Paes BA, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of intracranial hemorrhage in children with hemophilia. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2013;24(1):23-27. 

Oren H, Yaprak I, Irken G. Factor VIII inhibitors in patients with hemophilia A. Acta Haematologica. 1999;102(1):42-46.

Schwartz et al. Hemophilia And Von Willebrand Disease In Children: Emergency Department Evaluation And Management. EB Medicine, 2015.

Witmer C, Presley R, Kulkarni J, et al. Associations between intracranial haemorrhage and prescribed prophylaxis in a large cohort of haemophilia patients in the United States. Br J Haematol. 2010;152(2):211-216. 

Witmer CM, Raffini LJ, Manno CS. Utility of computed tomography of the head following head trauma in boys wth haemophilia. Haemophilia. 2007;13(5):560-566. 

By bradsobo

Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd is a Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and an Associate Director for the Pediatric Residency Training Program at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. He is on Twitter @PEMTweets and authors the Pediatric Emergency Medicine site PEMBlog and produces and hosts the PEM Currents: The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Podcast.

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